Unofficial topic for Game/Launcher issues troubleshooting

1% of ppl have problems with the game/launcher, most of them are Operating System issues, if you proceed with all steps there few options:
  1. Still looking for a solution for the incompatibility with your computer/system because maybe something that we don't figure out yet.
  2. Format your computer with the latest updates to be sure that all drivers and libraries are installed properly.
Все установлено, чистая винда, со всеми обновлениями может мне с шаманом потанцевать? Или в гору забраться?
час до старта, при том что они планируют за пол часа открыть уже доступ к созданию персов, а до сих пор много людей не могут дойти до логина
За день до открытия ставят патч с проблемой. Почему раньше нельзя было?
Many users are having issues with the game, most of them are caused by SO issues, like outdated drivers, addons, missing libraries, etc.

I would like to share with you some steps and tips to try to fix your problem.

For Windows 7 64-bits only:

We work with an updated client with superior performance and graphics, unfortunately, as a side-effect, Lineage 2 will no longer launch on Windows 7 x64 that has no KB3033929 update on board. It requires Security Update for Windows (KB3033929) installed to run the game.

Due to that fact we recommend updating your operating system for all Windows 7 x64 users in order to be able to launch the game.

Windows Vista x64 users will not be able to launch the game due to the fact that the corresponding security update was not issued by Microsoft for that OS.

You should update your system ASAP, Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft, but you may want to keep it and you don't have time to do so.

Please read the guide below to find out how to install the corresponding Windows Security Update.

To install the update you will need to follow these steps:
1. Download it here:
2. Run the file you have downloaded Windows6.1-KB3033929-x64.msu
3. Follow the installation master's instructions
You should not have any problems with installing the update, but if you do, please do not hesitate to contact our support here

General troubleshooting
  1. Fix corrupted files in your client
    1. Add L2 Folder to Exceptions of windows defender or your antivirus, o directly disabled it and then start again.
      1. Delete your System folder (and Data folder if you have it).
      2. Download again and extract everything again and place Updater in your root folder (example /Lineage2)
      3. Open Updater as Administration.
  2. Be sure to have a visual C++ library installed
  3. Run the Launcher as Administrator (I think you know how to do that, if not ask)
  4. VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing - Follow the link:
  5. Be sure that there no other l2.exe running, restart the computer if you don't know how to check.
  6. Disable NVIDIA Experience's Overlay.
  7. Run the launcher and l2.exe as administrator always:
    1. Repeat this step for the Lineage II Improved - Innadril.exe and L2.exe
      1. Right-click on the .exe file and select properties
      2. Click at "Compatibility" Tab
      3. Check "Run as Administrator"
      4. Click "OK"
      5. Confirm
  8. Disable Addon Razer Synapse and Other Razer Automation Tools. (Thanks @Yuma )
  9. Add Windows Defender Exception for L2.exe and Lineage II Improved - Innadril.exe
Enabling the Launcher to run as administrator will enable multi-threading and it will download and check files 4x faster be sure to proceed the Step 7.

DSetup.dll could not be found

This file was recently updated to remove the need for Microsoft's Visual C++ Redistributable library that caused issues for some of our players. For some Windows Defender gets triggered and as such it instantly quarantines the file.

If you get the DSetup.dll could not be found error, check your antivirus' quarantined file list, restore it and add it to its exceptions.


If you have tried everything here and still have an issue, please post below.
If you have a solution for another issue, please post below.
so i got win 7 x64bit did all the things mentioned in your post and i still get. Added to exeptions downloaded new game ubdated like 10 times nothing changes...


Ya descomprimi de vuelta el l2 y re actualice y sigue sin andar. Alguna solucion?
Any solution for this?
Guys some weird situation here, after last restart when i try to turn game into windowed mode my game just turns off and updater deletes from my pc, any idea why's that? :D
Guys some weird situation here, after last restart when i try to turn game into windowed mode my game just turns off and updater deletes from my pc, any idea why's that? :D
Probably your antivirus deleted the new files. You must check the steps on the 1st post.
Is there any way to use the launcher without DSETUP.dll? It's sketchy to allow AV exceptions for "Wacatac" since it's widely known as the Password stealing virus.

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