Search results

  1. Server future improved

    Good afternoon, a question for the administration. Tell me what plans you have with the improved server. Will you make a new server that, after opening, will merge with the current server? I would love to play on your server knowing that I can always boil over to my characters on the old server.
  2. How premium (2+1) boxes work?

    On the previous server, 2 windows were launched without premium, and three with premium. You need 1 premium account to run 3 windows.
  3. Phantom Summoner - heal Summon Nightshade Lv. 1

    Понял, ну для меня в диковинку, можно брать его вместо биша)
  4. Phantom Summoner - heal Summon Nightshade Lv. 1

    Кстати на других хрониках Nightshade тратил свое ХП, это умение работало как у паладина.
  5. Phantom Summoner - heal Summon Nightshade Lv. 1

    Добрый день! Протестировал Phantom Summoner и хочу сказать, что умение Summon Nightshade которое дает лечение на пати, как на меня слишком сильное. Я минут 10 смог бегать от парика в ЛОА а Summon Nightshade при этом не потратил почти никаких ресурсов на использования умения.
  6. What will happen to the current x3 server?

    Good day! I accidentally found your project, and I really liked it! Tell me what you plan to do with the current x3 server, how long will the server be available, and do you plan to leave it as the main one and connect it to new servers like other projects do?