Wishes for Improved


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Hello admins

I've really enjoyed your last server

I would like to make a post so people can post suggestions for the new server you launching on february

Maybe administration can hear us :de_f1_love:

Also we can writte what we did not like from old server :orc_m1_lol:

ps: thank you for withdraws its first time i've seen this
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I can't belive the time has come! finnaly fucking improved will be launched
i've been following the development of it since 3 years allredy im hyped

please put content such as ;

- class quest's
- heine, goddard, rune
- add HighFive skills
- pet system was very cool idea
- kamaloka was also very cool
- put lower rates so server will last more than 3 months

everything else is perfect

Things to improve?

• Along with the party members quantity decrease, there should be also a limitation to max CC members. This will lead indirectly to less concentration of people in 1 side (i know you can still make 2 cc's and friendlyfire yourselves, or fight separately, but we're not going so deep now).

• A wider map to explore, and a rework on useless zones. We saw how there was only 1 place to go to farm due to how horrible the other zones worked on Innadril. By reworking/fixing them, there'll be different places to go. There is no need to have many zones (this will end in a hide n seek game), but there should be some alternatives.

• Make max clan members allowed in Clan Arena match with max clan members.

• LOWER RATES + NO FLAT XP SCROLLS/TICKETS. The way to make stages last longer is this.

• Adjust Kamaloka and other Instances (like the ones that were giving XP Tickets) to match the new concept.

• Take back old siege system, with more than 1 castle to fight for (not many castles, again, to avoid clans staying one on each castle). You can make sieges progressive, adding more castles along with new stages.

• Avoid OP events. The next server should have this "weekly events", once per 2 weeks, but the rewards NEED to be conservative. Events planned for official servers with several years online, are not compatible most of the time with fresh servers (even if they have a faster progression). Most people don't like them, both competitive and casual players.

There's a huge amount of text to write, but that's my 2 cents for now. See you soon :)
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Hey good thinking about this post man!

So stuff that i loved about the server hmm, to be honest everything was great

-The game was very balanced and polished, (some classes dominate in oly but it has ALWAYS been like that in every server so i cant really be mad at that)
-Admins are very active,
-NO AUTO FARM YAY, people actually have to play the game to advance
-And the marketplace... Just being able to get paid for playing something you love is just amazing.

Now stuff that i would change for the future of the server (aint that much i would change)

-Lower the count of how many parties can join a CC
-Maybe some new content? I have no clue what but something new, surprise us :D
-Lower the rates maybe a bit more? Or remove the XP Scrolls?

Thats all i would change o.o

I just wanted to say thank you to the Innadril team for making such a good server, and i hope you guys keep coming up with new innovating ideas!! :de_f1_love:
Сервер - это просто бомба)) Я играл на многих проектах, как официальных, так и freeshard. Очень порадовала стабильность сборки-никаких багов я не заметил! Играя, вы можете забыть, что этот сервер не является официальным. Концепция сервера дает вам ощущение, что вы вернулись в 2009 год и играете по старым, любимым хроникам, но с улучшениями. Я доволен отсутствием автоматической охоты (локации забиты онлайн-игроками, а не твинками). Удобная система циклических макросов, упрощающих игру в одной партии или в нескольких окнах. Это первый раз, когда я играл на сервере, где были введены этапы с ограничениями. Интересный опыт. Позволяет всем игрокам быть примерно одного уровня и поддерживать клановый pvp контент даже на небольшом уровне. На сайте есть игровой магазин на реальные деньги между игроками (черный рынок). Это прорыв среди других серверов. Вы можете купить или продать предмет, полученный в игре, без лишних усилий и риска. Никаких сторонних сайтов. Также заметна хорошая борьба и защита сервера администрацией от ботов-драйверов. Я всем советую!
Большое вам спасибо за этот проект!
All content from the chronicle must be able to make , instances ( baium,antharas,zaken )
No OP events , since we ephemeral farm 90% of epics and after 2 days of event was already more epics lv 1 then epics drop from 2 months
Daily missions - Disable the epics from daily mission reward not a single one so ppl who make epics they do it and its worth
Fix mobs , mobs were paper for real - Fix SS ammount per hit its not doable to waist 300 bssb in 1 train or even more you cant take adena back
Make clan slots 100 and clan arena slots 100
Maybe implement lv 82 with 5th stage ?
- No xp scrolls
- More castles to siege
- We should not be able to donate for jewels or agathions that give stats (its bullshit and you know it), increase the price for premium if needed, we already have aden talisman and capes that gives stats. I know a lot of people that gave up on the server because of that and were wiling to donate for premium.
- A grade gemstone should be easier to get - not to much ofc

Overall i enjoyed the server, keep up the good work
I dont think that you should listen to us players at all to be honest
the server is great and it lasted around 3 months with full activity wich is allredy great nowdays
because everybody has a different opinion and you guys can't make happy everybody
who ever says server was not great its just a hater or a guy who failed its simple as that

but from my point of view and as you guys can see others have same opinion
the most important feedback and general opinion of players is;
- reduce CC so people cant zerg
- remove xp scrolls of instant xp from clan arena and rewards
- and more diversity of castles to siege
- No xp scrolls
- More castles to siege
- We should not be able to donate for jewels or agathions that give stats (its bullshit and you know it), increase the price for premium if needed, we already have aden talisman and capes that gives stats. I know a lot of people that gave up on the server because of that and were wiling to donate for premium.
- A grade gemstone should be easier to get - not to much ofc

Overall i enjoyed the server, keep up the good work
agree on everything except of the donations wich in this server compared to any other server was cheap as fuck
All content from the chronicle must be able to make , instances ( baium,antharas,zaken )
No OP events , since we ephemeral farm 90% of epics and after 2 days of event was already more epics lv 1 then epics drop from 2 months
Daily missions - Disable the epics from daily mission reward not a single one so ppl who make epics they do it and its worth
Fix mobs , mobs were paper for real - Fix SS ammount per hit its not doable to waist 300 bssb in 1 train or even more you cant take adena back
Make clan slots 100 and clan arena slots 100
Maybe implement lv 82 with 5th stage ?
c'mon we casuals love to have for some days low-tier epics from missions we dont play as organized as clans does so its our only chance to see an epic

im up to have more than 80 levels on the new server for sure