Information about server


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Hello guys, we are a group of 6 people atm that until now were playing only Interlude servers. Unfortunately we have no experience on higher chronicles, but when someone recommened to us the Innadril server, we said that we should give it a try. It seems well organized, with interesting PvE and PvP and of course a lot of new things, especially for us oldschool idiots. Because we couldn't find a lot of information about the server in the webpage (I think in many parts it is outdated and sometimes not full completed) I want to ask you for you help. I will try to ask some questions but anything you think that is important and the new players should know before they create their characters, I would be grateful if you could share the info with us. So, here are the questions:

1)What exactly are the differences in buffers/enchanters? For example, if we make an archer party or a mage party, what buffers and how many should we have? I saw people that saying bd and sws are similar, what about pp or wc or even ol? Are cov,vop, pow, pof, pol all the same? Do you need a summoner (cat or unicorn) in the party or are they unessecary? What would be the best set up for a mage,archer or meelee party (at leat in your personal opinion because i guess they can be a lot of different set ups for each group)?

2)What do you think about the balance of the classes? Every class looks promissing either for PvE and PvP, but as I said earlier, we can't test the high lvl classes so we are not sure what will happen in the endgame. What are the big differences than a normal/retail Interlude for the skills or the classes?

3)Are there any new useful quests that we can do for items/exp etc? Also we didn't find anywhere the information about subclass/nobless? Do we have to do them normally like in the Interlude servers? If they are different, are they more difficult or more easy? Can we donate them? Or can we donate the first and second class? We didn't find any donation list so we don't know our choices about donation.

4)How many boxes are allowed in the server? I think i read somewhere that probably is going to be 1+1 (+1 for premium) but I somewhere saw that this is not certain. Is there any GM to confirm it? Also, is there any GM control for cheaters (either for botting or boxing) or is it based completely on anti-captchas and automatic control mechanisms?

5) We didn't fully understand if the server is a craft server or not. With that being said, is a spoiler and a crafter important for progress? We saw the shops in the beta and there are a lot of new things to buy or craft. Is there a guide on where to first focus or what are the most important things we should focus in order to craft/spoil them first?

6)Generally, is there an overall guide for this server or this mixed chronicle? We are excited to start something new and we want to know everything that we can do in the server beforehand.

Any answer on these questions but also any information about the server would help us a lot. Sorry for the big text and thank you in advance for your help. I hope we are going to have fun so see you in game!
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1)What exactly are the differences in buffers/enchanters? For example, if we make an archer party or a mage party, what buffers and how many should we have? I saw people that saying bd and sws are similar, what about pp or wc or even ol? Are cov,vop, pow, pof, pol all the same? Do you need a summoner (cat or unicorn) in the party or are they unessecary? What would be the best set up for a mage,archer or meelee party (at leat in your personal opinion because i guess they can be a lot of different set ups for each group)?
So the thing with buffers here is that they are put in one basket with minor differences, check the wiki here but to sum it up every enchanter has the same buff skill excluding special skills like pof,cov,cc etc, as for pt setups idea didn't change you can go by interlude standards and you'll be fine. Just remember that full party on Innadril can have 7ppl max
What do you think about the balance of the classes? Every class looks promissing either for PvE and PvP, but as I said earlier, we can't test the high lvl classes so we are not sure what will happen in the endgame. What are the big differences than a normal/retail Interlude for the skills or the classes?
Just check the skill part on wiki to see what changed, depends on your preferred pt setup but Destros got nerfed hard from what I can see, zealot doesn't have this oompf it had earlier
3)Are there any new useful quests that we can do for items/exp etc? Also we didn't find anywhere the information about subclass/nobless? Do we have to do them normally like in the Interlude servers? If they are different, are they more difficult or more easy? Can we donate them? Or can we donate the first and second class? We didn't find any donation list so we don't know our choices about donation.
As for quests I already asked this in one of the topic and the answer is that there are only quests till lvl 19 for beginner zones and class change quests. As for nobless or subs I assume some info will go out when later stages of server get introduced. For now 56lvl is max so quite some time till you can start thinking about subs/noble, as for donations you can donate 1st and 2nd class change for now and info about it is in ANNOUCNMENT section of forum( kinda lazy on your part to ask that)
4)How many boxes are allowed in the server? I think i read somewhere that probably is going to be 1+1 (+1 for premium) but I somewhere saw that this is not certain. Is there any GM to confirm it? Also, is there any GM control for cheaters (either for botting or boxing) or is it based completely on anti-captchas and automatic control mechanisms?
As for boxes it's 2+1PA and it doesn't seem to be changed before start, official info is in server description so again laziness on your part as for anticheat i'll leave it to admins to answer
5) We didn't fully understand if the server is a craft server or not. With that being said, is a spoiler and a crafter important for progress? We saw the shops in the beta and there are a lot of new things to buy or craft. Is there a guide on where to first focus or what are the most important things we should focus in order to craft/spoil them first?
Server is craft oriented afaik although I can be wrong on this part, spoil chance seems to be nerfed but still you need those mats and crafts so dorf are essential as always, as to the 2nd part to this question I'm not sure what are you asking about
6)Generally, is there an overall guide for this server or this mixed chronicle? We are excited to start something new and we want to know everything that we can do in the server beforehand.
I'd say experiment. Beta is here for a reason. You won't find any guides or specific tips, trust me I tried. You can get 56 without effort and top equip so just try out party comps, hunting grounds etc

As for other questions feel free to pm, as I'm similar position to you guys and made quite a lot of testing and may be able to answer some more specific questions
Thank you very much for your answer about the information of the server, indeed in some parts i was too lazy or too blind to check the details. I have a few more questions that maybe you can anwer to me:

1) What in your opinion do you think is the best class for aoe farm or generally who do you think is the best farmer (either in pt farm or solo farm)?
2) I saw the Wiki about the buffers where it says that BD/SWS/OL/WC/PP are the same and only the 3rd class skills are different. It seems that CoV and VoP are the strongest, at least for a warrior class, but we all know that Domi has also a CP heal and curses (however it says in the wiki that Domi don't have all the buffs that the other enchanters have). Do you think that he is the best enchanter amongst all or it depends only in the party set up?
3) You said about the destros getting nerfed. Today we are also going to test more classes on the beta. Until now, what classes do you think are more OP than others and which classes are nerfed in comparison with Interlude or in comparison to the overall balance?

Thank you once again in advance for your answers!
As for aoe pt i'd say either go WL or ES they seem to be the best. For single target I would say Archer pt.

OL is more for a clan pt and debuff land rate is something i didnt test. If you Can play as pt then PP and WC for all buffs with CC and COV seem like the Best choice although it is a bit more of a personal choice.

From what I saw and tested warlords seem to be extremely good in pvp and pve. Necro is still OP. Didnt test more than that.
hello, i have some question too

Can you give clear info about server time event? When is Siege time , olympiad time , epic boss and other event ?
wiki say X time but ingame its not the same what server GMT ?
hello, i have some question too

Can you give clear info about server time event? When is Siege time , olympiad time , epic boss and other event ?
wiki say X time but ingame its not the same what server GMT ?
There are no events afaik. Sieges will be introduced gradually as phases of the server advance the same goes for olympiad. As for epic bosses go on wiki and read it's not that hard. Server time seems to be gmt+0 which is literally ingame and on main site.
There are no events afaik
Tower of Insolence - Event
PVP event will take place in Tower of Insolence (4+ floor) every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 18.00 to 22.00 (server time GMT+0)

the wiki is getting updated with gmt info thx
Can we implement no box policy? So main/live buffers have purpose in the server
I'm on this side too.
I plan on playing Enchanter without boxing, so I'm expecting people to recruit me to their parties (or form my own with other random, scattered people without CP).
I'm on this side too.
I plan on playing Enchanter without boxing, so I'm expecting people to recruit me to their parties (or form my own with other random, scattered people without CP).
I'm highly against, 2+1 seems like a good balance between donations and f2p players. If there will be online there will be plenty of opportunities to pt up with randoms. Personally I don't want to be dependent on someone else to play the game at least for farming. For RB/PvP/Kama/Lab main enchanter>boxed one ALWAYS.