Update Gift Calendar: 28 de Julio - 8 de Septiembre

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No cada día es una festividad, pero no por eso no puedes recibir regalos. Entra al juego por solo 5 minutos al día para obtener recompensas adicionales de un calendario especial. Los regalos incluyen consumibles, spell books, e incluso dyes!

  • El evento se extenderá por 6 semanas: del 28 de julio al 8 de septiembre de 2023 (inclusive).
  • Solo puedes obtener las recompensas si tienes una Premium Account.

Información general​

  • Cada día, al entrar al juego, los personajes pueden recibir recompensas. Para hacerlo, solo necesitas 5 minutos. Si sales del juego y cierras el cliente, el temporizador se reinicia, lo que quiere decir que debes esperar nuevamente 5 minutos.
  • Cada día recibirás un nuevo regalo. Puedes seguir el progreso del evento en la ventana de evento especial "Calendar". Se abre automáticamente cuando entras al juego.
  • La interfaz del evento es una ventana rectangular en la que se muestran en simultáneo las 28 ranuras con recompensas. Las recompensas especiales están rodeadas de un marco dorado brillante (días 7, 14, 21 y 28).
  • Si has cerrado por error la interfaz de evento sin obtener el ítem, puedes volver a abrirla dsde el menú principal (Alt + X) → "Calendar". Por defecto, el ícono de calendario no está en el menú, pero puede ser añadido usando el botón "Edit" en el menú principal (Alt + X).

  • Para recibir una recompensa, debes hacer clic en el botón "Receive" o hacer doble clic en el ícono de recompensas en la ventana de evento. Tras recibir la recompensa, el ícono del ítem cambiara a un sello rojo - esto significa que la recompensa fue recibida correctamente.
  • Si pierdes un día, puedes desbloquear celdas anteriores con 100 L-Coins y recibir todas las recompnsas a la vez.
  • Si te encontrabas online el/los días anteriores pero olvidaste recibir tu recompensa, puedes recibirla gratis el día que quieras.
  • Por favor ten en cuenta: las recompensas están disponibles solo a un personaje de la cuenta una vez al día. Al mismo tiempo, puedes seleccionar qué personaje de la cuenta recibira la recompensa, por ejemplo, personaje A recibirá la primer recompensa, y personaje B recibirá la segunda el próximo día.


  • Primera semana
1ancient-adena.png Ancient Adena500
2scroll-pk-einhasads-protection-coupon-time-limited.png Scroll: PK / Einhasad's Protection Coupon (Time-limited)(Sealed)3
3collectors-armor-c.png Collector's Armor C-grade (Sealed)2
4growth-rune-fragment-sealed.png Growth Rune Fragment (Sealed)50
5collectors-weapon-c.png Collector's Weapon C-grade (Sealed)2
6sayhas-storm-pack-time-limited.png Sayha's Storm Pack (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
7stat-collection-doll-exchange-coupon-time-limited.pngStat Collection - Doll Exchange Coupon (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
  • Segunda semana
8package-ring-of-insolence-dragon-valleys-earring-time-limited.png Package: Ring of Insolence / Dragon Valley's Earring (Time-limited)(Sealed)5
9scroll-pk-einhasads-protection-coupon-time-limited.png Scroll: PK / Einhasad's Protection Coupon (Time-limited)(Sealed)3
10collectors-armor-b.png Collector's Armor B-grade (Sealed)2
11dye-powder-sealed.png Dye Powder (Sealed)5
12collectors-weapon-b.png Collector's Weapon B-grade (Sealed)2
13package-hunters-earring.png Package: Hunter's Earring (Sealed)5
142-stars-spellbook-exchange-coupon-&-stat-collection-pack-time-limited.png 2-star Spellbook Coupon & Stat Collection Pack (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
  • Tercera semana
15ancient-adena.png Ancient Adena500
16scroll-pk-einhasads-protection-coupon-time-limited.png Scroll: PK / Einhasad's Protection Coupon (Time-limited)(Sealed)3
17elixir powder.png Elixir Powder (Sealed)3
18growth-rune-fragment-sealed.png Growth Rune Fragment (Sealed)10
19purge-weapon-box-time-limited.png Purge Weapon Box (Time-limited)(Sealed)2
20magic-lamp-charging-potion-pack-time-limited.png Magic Lamp Charging Potion Pack (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
21spellbook-coupon-3-stars-sealed.png Spellbook Coupon - 3 Stars (Sealed)1
  • Cuarta semana
22package-ring-of-insolence-dragon-valleys-earring-time-limited.png Package: Ring of Insolence / Dragon Valley's Earring (Time-limited)(Sealed)5
23scroll-pk-einhasads-protection-coupon-time-limited.png Scroll: PK / Einhasad's Protection Coupon (Time-limited)(Sealed)3
24elixir powder.png Elixir Powder (Sealed)3
25growth-rune-lv-5.png Growth Rune Lv. 5 (Sealed)1
26purge-weapon-box-time-limited.png Purge Weapon Box (Time-limited)(Sealed)2
27elixir.png Elixir (Sealed)1
28doll-pack-lv-2-sealed.png Doll Pack Lv. 2 (Sealed)1

Contenido del Event Box/Pack

package-ring-of-insolence-dragon-valleys-earring-time-limited.png Package: Ring of Insolence / Dragon Valley's Earring (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Double-click to obtain more information about the contents.


  • ItemCantidad
    Enchant Package: Ring of Insolence (Sealed)1
    Enchant Package: Dragon's Valley Earring (Sealed)1

sayhas-storm-pack-time-limited.png Sayha's Storm Pack (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Double-click to obtain more information about the contents.


  • ItemCantidad
    Sayha's Storm (Sealed)200
    XP Growth Scroll (Sealed)200
    Dye Powder (Sealed)5
    Elixir Powder (Sealed)2

magic-lamp-charging-potion-pack-time-limited.png Magic Lamp Charging Potion Pack (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Double-click to obtain more information about the contents.


  • ItemCantidad
    Magic Lamp Charging Potion (Sealed)20
    Einhasad's Protection (Sealed)40
    Dye Powder (Sealed)5
    Elixir Powder (Sealed)2

2-stars-spellbook-exchange-coupon-&-stat-collection-pack-time-limited.png 2-star Spellbook Coupon & Stat Collection Pack (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Double-click to obtain more information about the contents.

Garantizado Aleatorio

  • ItemCantidad
    Spellbook Coupon (Sealed) - 2 Star (Time-limited)1

  • ItemCantidad
    Stat Collection - Zaken's Crystal (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
    Stat Collection - Orfen's Crystal (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
    Stat Collection - Core's Crystal (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
    Stat Collection - Baium's Crystal (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
    Stat Collection - Queen Ant's Crystal (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
    Stat Collection - Baium Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
    Stat Collection - Queen Ant Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
    Stat Collection - Orfen Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
    Stat Collection - Frintezza Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
    Stat Collection - Zaken Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited)(Sealed)1
    Stat Collection - Core Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited)(Sealed)1

purge-weapon-box-time-limited.png Purge Weapon Box (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Double-click to obtain more information about the contents.


  • ItemCantidad
    Excuro's Staff (Sealed)1
    Torfe's Claw (Sealed)1
    Giants' Club (Sealed)1
    Ancient Rapier (Sealed)1
    Guardian Messenger's Spear (Sealed)1
    Sealed Angel's Hammer (Sealed)1
    Lizardman Shaman's Staff (Sealed)1
    Lizard Slayer (Sealed)1
    Deadman's Dagger (Sealed)1
    Dragon Bone Blade (Sealed)1
    Berserker's Sword (Sealed)1
    Sel Mahum Sniper (Sealed)1
    Turek Orc Prefer's Dual Swords (Sealed)1
    Butcher's Long Sword (Sealed)1
    Giant's One-handed Axe (Sealed)1
    Giant's Two-handed Staff (Sealed)1
    Spear of Xilenos (Sealed)1
    Shield of Xilenos (Sealed)1

doll-pack-lv-2-sealed.png Doll Pack Lv. 2 (Sealed)
Double-click to obtain more information about the contents.


  • ItemCantidad
    Zaken Doll Lv. 2 (Sealed)1
    Frintezza Doll Lv. 2 (Sealed)1
    Baium Doll Lv. 2 (Sealed)1
    Core Doll Lv. 2 (Sealed)1
    Queen Ant Doll Lv. 2 (Sealed)1
    Orfen Doll Lv. 2 (Sealed)1

Intercambio de Coupons

scroll-pk-einhasads-protection-coupon-time-limited.png Scroll: PK / Einhasad's Protection Coupon (Time-limited)(Sealed)
When used, can be exchanged for one of the following items:
Scroll: PK (Time-limited)(Sealed) - 3 pcs.
Einhasad's Protection (Time-limited)(Sealed) - 2 pcs.

stat-collection-doll-exchange-coupon-time-limited.png Stat Collection - Doll Exchange Coupon (Time-limited)(Sealed)
When used, can be exchanged for one of the following Stat Collection - Dolls:
Stat - Collection - Baium Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited) - 1 pc.
Stat - Collection - Queen Ant Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited) - 1 pc.
Stat - Collection - Orfen Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited) - 1 pc.
Stat - Collection - Frintezza Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited) - 1 pc.
Stat - Collection - Zaken Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited) - 1 pc.
Stat - Collection - Core Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited) - 1 pc.

Borrado de ítems
  • Los ítems de tiempo limitado y los ítems relacionados con el evento se eliminarán al finalizar el evento.
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